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Cleantouch Urdu Dictionary

              Cleantouch Urdu Dictionary

cleantouch urdu dictionary free downloadDownload an Urdu to English and English to Urdu dictionary for free, This is very interesting and easy to use dictionary you can use this dictionary for building English and Urdu vocabularies. Just write a word > enter and view the meaning of that word of English of Urdu language. You can use this dictionary at your PC and you will do not need to find the meaning on the google. This dicionary is in Rar format and you should download the 7-zip to extract the rar format files, after extracting the rar file, then click on the set up to Install this dictionary on your computer. Don't miss to download this dictionary for free.
                                   Brief Information of the Dictionary.
Dictionary Name:Cleantouch Urdu Dictionary
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Security and Hacking Books Pack

Security and Hacking Books Pack
Security and Hacking Books Pack
Security and Hacking Books Pack
Huge Security and Hacking books Megapack (1.96 GB)
Most are in English but many are in French.
Most are .PDF but many are either ZIPped or RARed with the .pdf (or whatever) in them. There may be just a few duplicates.

Books List:
Low Tech Hacking -Street Smarts for Security Professionals [NepsterJay].pdf
Syngress - Aggressive Network Self-Defense.pdf
Syngress - Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period.pdf
Syngress - Botnets - The Killer Web App.pdf
Syngress - Buffer Overflow Attacks.pdf
Syngress - Building a VoIP Network with Multimedia Communication Server 5100.pdf
Syngress - Building DMZs for Enterprise Networks.pdf
Syngress - Building SANs with Brocade Fabric Switches.pdf
Syngress - C#.NET Web Developer's Guide.pdf
Syngress - Check Point NG VPN-1 FireWall-1 Advanced Configuration and Troubleshooting.pdf
Syngress - Cisco Security - Professional's Guide to Secure Intrusion Detection Systems.pdf
Syngress - Cisco Security - Specialist's Guide to PIX Firewalls.pdf
Syngress - Combating Spyware in the Enterprise.pdf
Syngress - Creating Security Policies and Implementing Identity Management with Active Directory.pdf
Syngress - Cyber Adversary Characterization - Auditing the Hacker Mind.pdf
Syngress - Cyber Crime Investigations.pdf
Syngress - Cyber Spying - Tracking your Family's Secret Online Lives.pdf
Syngress - Developer's Guide to Web Application Security.pdf
Syngress - Email Virus Protection Handbook.pdf
Syngress - Enemy at the Water Cooler.pdf
Syngress - Essential Computer Security.pdf
Syngress - Google Hacking for Penetration Tester - Vol.1.pdf
Syngress - Google Hacking for Penetration Tester - Vol.2.pdf
Syngress - Google Talking.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing Linux.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing Sun Solaris.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing Windows 2000 Server.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing XML.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing your Identity in the Information Age.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing your Network - 2nd Edition.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing your network.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing your Web Applications.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing your Wireless Network.pdf
Syngress - Hack the Stack.pdf
Syngress - How to Cheat at Securing a Wireless Network.pdf
Syngress - InfoSec Career Hacking - Sell your Skillz not your Soul.pdf
Syngress - Intrusion, Prevention and Active Response.pdf
Syngress - LEGO Software Power Tools.pdf
Syngress - Linksys WRT54G Ultimate Hacking.pdf
Syngress - Metasploit Toolkit for Penetration Testing, Exploit Development and Vulnerability Research.pdf
Syngress - Microsoft Vista for IT Security Professionals.pdf
Syngress - Nessus Network Auditing.pdf
Syngress - Ninja Hacking - Unconventional Penetration Testing Tactics and Techniques.pdf
Syngress - Nmap in the Enterprise - Your Guide to Network Scanning.pdf
Syngress - OS X for Hackers at Heart.pdf
Syngress - Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit - Vol.1.pdf
Syngress - Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit - Vol.2.pdf
Syngress - Phishing Exposed.pdf
Syngress - Practical VoIP Security.pdf
Syngress - Programmer's Ultimate Security Deskref.pdf
Syngress - RFID Security.pdf
Syngress - Scene of the Cybercrime - Computer Forensics Handbook.pdf
Syngress - Scripting VMware Power Tools.pdf
Syngress - Secure Your Network for Free.pdf
Syngress - Securing the Cloud - Cloud Computer Security Techniques and Tactics.pdf
Syngress - Security Assessment Case Studies for Implementing the NSA IAM.pdf
Syngress - Security Log Management - Identifying Patterns in the Chaos.pdf
Syngress - Security Sage's Guide to Hardening the Network.pdf
Syngress - Security+ Study Guide.pdf
Syngress - Snort 2.0 Intrusion Detection.pdf
Syngress - Snort 2.1 Intrusion Detection - 2nd Edition.pdf
Syngress - Snort IDS and IPS Toolkit.pdf
Syngress - Sockets, Shellcode, Porting and Coding - Reverse Engineering Exploits.pdf
Syngress - Special Ops - Host and Network Security for Microsoft, UNIX, and Oracle.pdf
Syngress - SQL Injection Attacks and Defense.pdf
Syngress - Stealing the Network - How to Own a Shadow.pdf
Syngress - Stealing the Network - How to Own the Box.pdf
Syngress - Systems Security Certification Practitioner Study Guide.pdf
Syngress - Techno Security’s Guide to Managing Risks.pdf
Syngress - The Mezonic Agenda - Hacking the Presidency.pdf
Syngress - VB.NET Developer's Guide.pdf
Syngress - WarDriving and Wireless Penetration Testing.pdf
Syngress - Wireless Hacking - Projects for Wi-Fi Enthusiasts.pdf
Syngress - Wireshark and Ethereal - Network Protocol Analyzer Toolkit.pdf
Syngress - Writing Security Tools and Exploits.pdf
Syngress - XSS Attacks.pdf
Syngress - Zen and the Art of Information Security.pdf
Syngress - Zero Day Exploit - Countdown to Darkness.pdf
The Hackademy - Hors Serie 1.pdf
The Hackademy - Hors Serie 2.pdf
The Hackademy - Hors Serie 3.pdf
The Hackademy Prog - Apprendre à Programmer en C.pdf
The Hackademy Prog - Apprendre à Programmer en PHP.pdf
The Hackademy School - Hack Newbie.pdf
The Hackademy School - Hack Security Pro.pdf
The Hackademy School - Linux.pdf
The Hackademy School - Mini Guide Anonymat.pdf
The Hackademy School - Newbie - part 1.pdf
The Hackademy School - Newbie - part 2.pdf
The Hackademy School - Newbie - part 3.pdf
The Hackademy School - Newbie - part 4.pdf
The Hackademy School - Securite wifi.pdf
ZI Hackademy - Newbie 1.pdf
ZI Hackademy - Newbie 2.pdf
ZI Hackademy - Newbie 3.pdf
[0 - List].txt
A Closer Look At Ethical Hacking And Hackers.pdf.7z
Analyse Apres L'attaque.pdf.7z
Analyse De Code Malveillant.pdf.7z
ARP Cache Poisonning.pdf
ARP Poisonning.pdf
Attacking The DNS Protocol.pdf
Avantages Et Faiblesses Du Protocole SSH.pdf.7z
Buffer Overflow.pdf
CERTA - Les Mots De Passe.pdf.7z
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) v3.0 Official Course.pdf
Cle De Registre Suspecte.pdf.7z
Codage De Huffman.pdf.7z
Cognitive Hacking.pdf.7z
Commande DOS.rtf
Cracker Les SSHA Sous LDAP.pdf.7z
Credit Card Hacking.pdf
Cross Site Request Forgery II.pdf
Cross Site Request Forgery.pdf
CSTA Ethical Hacking Hands On.pdf.7z
Culture Du Don Dans Le Logiciel Libre.pdf.7z
Dangerous Google Searching for Secrets.pdf.7z
Dangerous Google.pdf
Data Breach Hacking Category Summary 2007.pdf.7z
Data Breach Hacking Category Summary 2008.pdf.7z
Database Security Using White-Hat Google Hacking.pdf.7z
Debugging Session - Anti-Anti-ptrace Or Fooling The Debugger Fooler.pdf.7z
Decimalisation Table Attacks For PIN Cracking.pdf.7z
Ebay Hacks 100 Industrial-Strength Tips And Tools.pdf.7z
eBook Fr - 2020 Hackers - 214 Pages Pour Apprendre Le Hacking En Francais - Cours De Hacking-Shared By KoraS.rar
Ethical Hacking And Countermeasures.pdf.7z
Ethical Hacking.pdf.7z
Extensions Personnalisees Pour IPTables.pdf.7z
Faille XSS.txt
Forensics Analysis Of Hacking Cases.pdf.7z
Game Hacking.pdf.7z
Google Hack.pdf
Guide De Securite.pdf.7z
Hack I.T.pdf
Hack It Security Through Penetration Testing.pdf.7z
Hack Proofing Your Network .pdf
Hack Proofing Your Network Internet Tradecraft.pdf.7z
Hackademy - Cours 3.pdf
Hackademy.Magazine.Hors Serie.N1.rar
Hacker's Handbook.pdf
Hacking - The Art Of Exploitation.chm.7z
Hacking For Profit.pdf.7z
Hacking GMail.pdf
Hacking Into Computer Systems.pdf.7z
Hacking Intranet Website From The Outside.pdf.7z
Hacking jBoss.pdf.7z
Hacking Leopard.pdf.7z
Hacking Mashing Gluing.pdf.7z
Hacking Matter.pdf.7z
Hacking Offences.pdf.7z
Hacking Practices And Software Development.pdf.7z
Hacking Primes.pdf.7z
Hacking Secrets Revealed.pdf.7z
Hacking Securite Hand-Book.pdf.7z
Hacking The Frozen WASTE For Cool Objects.pdf.7z
Hacking The Genome.pdf.7z
Hacking The Windows Regisrty.pdf
Hacking The Windows Registry.pdf.7z
How Hackers Do It.pdf.7z
How To Make Key Generators.pdf.7z
How To Steal An Election By Hacking The Vote.pdf.7z
Injection SQL Part II.html
Injection SQL.html
L'ethique Hacker De Pekka Himanen.pdf.7z
Le Vrai Visage De La Matrice.pdf.7z
Les .htaccess.txt
Les Dumps Memoires.pdf.7z
Les Systemes De Detection D'intrusion Vus De L'interieur.pdf.7z
Menace 650.pdf
Microsoft SQL Server Passwords.pdf.7z
More Than 40 Million Credit And Debit Card Numbers Stolen.pdf.7z
O'Reilly - Network Security with OpenSSL Ebook - Fly.rar
Preventing Web App Hacking.pdf.7z
Righttoleft Override.pdf.7z
Rootkits Sous Oracle.pdf.7z
Secrets of a Hacker.pdf
Securing IIS By Breaking.pdf.7z
Securiser Ses Serveurs Avec Les Tests De Vulnerabilites.pdf.7z
Securite Informatique Principes Et Methode.pdf.7z
Security IIS.pdf
Steganographie - Techniques.pdf.7z
Tests d'Intrusion Des Acces Internet.pdf.7z
Tests De Penetration Internes.pdf.7z
The Hackademy Prog n1 Ebook Fr-Library.pdf
The Hackers Handbook 2.pdf.7z
The Hackers Handbook.pdf.7z
The Performance Of Technology.pdf.7z
The Web Hacking Incidents Database Annual Report 2007.pdf.7z
They are Hacking Our Clients.pdf.7z
Thinking Like A Hacker.pdf.7z
Zi Hackademy - Cours 1.pdf
Zi Hackademy - Cours 2.pdf
[0 - List].txt
[CLUSIF] Les Virus Informatiques.pdf
[EDIGO] Le piratage de A a Z.pdf
[HACKADEMY] Cours deuxieme niveau partie .pdf
[HACKADEMY] Cours deuxieme niveau partie 1.pdf
[HACKADEMY] Cours Newbie+.pdf
[HACKADEMY] Cours Newbie.pdf
[SPRINGER] Les virus informatiques - theorie, practique et applications.pdf
Advanced Exploitation Of Buffer Overflow.pdf.7z
ASLR Smack.pdf.7z
Attacking The DNS Protocol.pdf.7z
Attaque Man In The Middle Sur La Connexion Chiffree De Jabber.pdf.7z
Attaque Par Factorisation Contre RSA.pdf.7z
CERTA - Securite Des Reseaux Sans Fil.pdf.7z
CERTA - Sécurité Des Applications Web Et Vulnérabilité De Type Injection De Données.pdf.7z
Comment Contourner La Protection Aleatoire De La Pile Sur Le Noyau 2.6.pdf.7z
Cracking SQL Passwords.pdf
Creation De Portes Derobees Sophistiquees Sous Linux - Reniflage De Paquets.pdf.7z
Creation Des Shellcodes Sous Architecture Linux x86.pdf.7z
Creer Un Shellcode Polymorphique.pdf.7z
Cross-Site Tracing (XST).pdf.7z
Cryptographie Classique - Exercice 1.pdf.7z
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Feed Injection In Web 2.0.pdf.7z
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Google Hacks.pdf.7z
GSM - Qui Peut Ecouter Mon Portable.pdf.7z
Guide De Securite PHP 1.0.pdf.7z
Hacking Bluetooth Enabled Mobile Phones And Beyond.pdf.7z
Hacking Du Noyau Et Anti-Forensics.pdf.7z
Hacking Gmail.pdf.7z
Hacking The Invisible Network.pdf.7z
Hacking VoIP Exposed.pdf.7z
Hacking Web Applications Using Cookie Poisoning.pdf.7z
How To Make Keygens.pdf
Image Anti-bot Et Fichier Wav .pdf.7z
Ingenierie Inverse Du Code Executable ELF Dans L'analyse Apres Intrusion.pdf.7z
Injection HTML Hackin9.pdf.7z
Injections SQL Les bases.pdf.7z
Introduction Aux Audits De Sécurités Dans Des Applications.pdf.7z
Introduction Aux Vulnérabilités Web.pdf.7z
Invisibilite Des Rootkits.pdf.7z
Le Phishing.pdf.7z
Le Scannage De Ports Vu Par L'administrateur.pdf.7z
Linux Security Modules - General Security Hooks For Linux.pdf.7z
NC commands.pdf
Netcat tuto.txt
Securite Wi-Fi - WEP WPA et WPA2.pdf.7z
Securites Des Comptes Sous Unix.pdf.7z
Shell Netcat.txt
Shells Restreints - Comment Les Detourner.pdf.7z
Systemes Includes Secure.pdf.7z
Sécurisation Script PHP et Mysql.pdf.7z
Type-Assisted Dynamic Buffer Overflow Detection.pdf.7z
Unixgarden - Techniques Obfuscation De Code - Chiffrer Du Clair Avec Du Clair.pdf.7z
Unixgarden - Timing Attack Et Hyperthreading.pdf.7z
Vulnerabilités De Type Format String.pdf.7z
Yahoo Hacking Of Oracle Technologies.pdf.7z
[0 - List].txt
1. addison wesley - advanced programming languages design.pdf
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3. compilers and compiler generators in C++.pdf
4. morgan kaufmann - engineering a compiler (Draft).pdf
5. Algorithms For Compiler Design.pdf
Art of Intel x86 Assembly.pdf
O'Reilly - Practical C Programming, 3Rd Edition.pdf
Prentice Hall - Expert C Programming - Deep C Secretes.pdf
Prentice Hall - The ANSI C Programming Language 2nd ed. by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie.pdf
The Art Of Assembly Language Programming.pdf

 Download :





I had previously discussed about Gmail Hacker to hack Gmail accounts. Likewise, this software can hack Hotmail accounts. Just follow the steps below:

1. Extract the RAR archive in a separate folder.
2. Run Hotmail Hacker Builder.exe file on your computer.
3. Enter your email address, password and subject of email you wanna receive. I suggest you to create a new email ID for this. You can use Gmail or Yahoo but avoid using Hotmail account. This email will contain the password you wanna hack. Also select appropriate smtp server address. The default smtp server address 587 is of gmail. You can google for smtp server addresses or can find it here. Also, write a fake error message to display on the screen or leave it default.
4. Click on "Build". This will create your own Hotmail hacker in Hotmail hacker folder.
5. Now, send this Hotmail Hacker.exe file to victim of which you wanna hack Hotmail password and convince him that this program can hack anyone's Hotmail password (lil bit of Social Engineering).
6. Ask him to run Hotmail Hacker.exe and enter all information including his Hotmail ID and password and Hotmail ID of victim he wanna hack. As he enters this information and hits "Login and Start", he will receive a error message.
7. You will receive an email in your account containing his password. Hooray!!! you will now be able to hack hotmail password. Enjoy!!!

Download by cliking the logo



Bin Text is basically a text extractor software used to extract text from application or any file. It can extract email ID and password from applications like Hotmail Hacker and Gmail Hacker. Step by Step usage and tutorial is below:

1. Refer my article Hack Gmail Accounts : Gmail Hacker to create Gmail Hacker.exe file.
2. Unzip the downloaded Bin Text software in a separate folder.
3. Open Bin Text and browse for the location where you have kept the Gmail Hacker.exe file that you have created. Now Hit Go.
4. Bin Text will scan the whole file and display all the extracted text from Gmail Hacker.exe file.
5. Now scroll down till you find email address and password as I have shown in the screen shot above.

This means that if your friend or someone else has given you this Gmail hacker software and told you that this software can hack email accounts and if you feel suspicious of him, you can easily hack his email account password. Enjoy hacking the hacker!!!

Download by clicking the logo


This program will bomb the victim's mobile phone with tons of SMS. It supports all major networks around the world. But if your network is not in the list, then don't worry, you can also add the carrier network with the help of "custom" option. You can also load list of multiple victims and bomb them simultaneously. The improvement that Beaver has made in this version over his previous SMS Bomber is that you can spoof the email address from which you are bombing the victim's mobile phone. For Example, If there was an error sending the message, it will ask you if you wanna change the E-mail/Password you are using. All credits to Beaver for this nice program.

                                                          Download by clicking the logo

IMVU Credits Hack • Best Hacking Tools

IMVU Credits Hack • Best Hacking Tools

If you’ve found this video you’re most likely looking for a way to effortlessly generate IMVU credits without spending a single cent.
There’s a maximum of 999,999, but you can always reset your balance later.
If you create a new account IMVUtrix has a tool to automatically unlock everything for you and will set your email status as verified.
Once you’ve done this go ahead and press the big “3,000 Credits” button. The program will take a minute to hook into the game and adjust your credits variable. It can take up to 25 minutes for the server to register the change, but you should see it much sooner.
In the menu you can automatically check for updates to make sure you’re running the most recent version of the program.
Due to the nature of credit hacking programs only a limited number of downloads will be available! Limiting the number of users helps to maintain and strengthen the longevity of this tool, while minimizing the need for sometimes lengthy updates.
Act now and download your copy while it’s still available!

Download “ROM Multi-Hack” Rom-Multi-Hack

Download “ROM Multi-Hack” Rom-Multi-Hack

See stealthed rogues
God Sight
Swim hack
Duel Hack
Wall Climb
No Fall
Speed Hack
Teleport Hack
Grow / Shrink Target
Suicide (No XP Debt)
Download “ROM Multi-Hack” – Downloaded 1466 times – 934 B

Club Penguin Membership Generator Video Transcript

Club Penguin Membership Generator Video Transcript

Club Penguin Membership Generator Penguinator
Hey guys, I just wanted to make a quick video to show you this cool tool I found called Penguinator.
It’s a Club Penguin membership generator for club penguin and it makes one week membership codes.
I’ve already flipped through a few of them, I guess the first few of you guys to get to the video can go ahead and use those. I’m just going to take this one here, make sure to take out the dashes because that’s how club penguin wants it. To show you that I’m not already a member I’m just going to go ahead and log in real quick. I’ll show you my account and that it’s not upgraded or anything. Flip some pizza in the meantime, apparently. Anyway, we’ll go into Below Zero since it’s not full. Flip some more pizza.
And as soon as it loads here, I’ll show you that I am in fact in the real club penguin not some private server.
If we go into the player information you’ll notice that it’s just a normal basic account, I just made it. If you don’t know what to look for it’s the star on the top left. When you’re a member it will change and say so. We’re just going to go ahead to the membership tab on the webpage and click code redemption. Wait for this to load up and we will throw in the code we generated a minute ago. Next we’ll do all the verification stuff by putting in out email. I’ll blur out my email so you guys don’t send me stuff.
Put the code in, click redeem, and it was successful. It’s as easy as that.
If we click log in it will take us back into the game and I can show you for sure that I’ve been upgraded to a member capable of wearing member items and puffles and whatever else it is you do with a membership. As soon as we flip some more pizza here.
So if I go back into my membership button we can see even the icon on the bottom has changed and the star now say’s I’m a member. So we’ve been upgraded successfully and are now capable of doing all the membership stuff. So the Club Penguin Membership Generator was a success!
Enjoy guys, have fun with this!
Download “Penguinator V1.0.3” – Downloaded 28467 times – 74 kB

[WinAppDbg 1.5] Python Debugger

[WinAppDbg 1.5] Python Debugger

The WinAppDbg python module allows developers to quickly code instrumentation scripts in Python under a Windows environment.

It uses ctypes to wrap many Win32 API calls related to debugging, and provides an object-oriented abstraction layer to manipulate threads, libraries and processes, attach your script as a debugger, trace execution, hook API calls, handle events in your debugee and set breakpoints of different kinds (code, hardware and memory). Additionally it has no native code at all, making it easier to maintain or modify than other debuggers on Windows.

The intended audience are QA engineers and software security auditors wishing to test / fuzz Windows applications with quickly coded Python scripts. Several ready to use utilities are shipped and can be used for this purposes.

Current features also include disassembling x86/x64 native code, debugging multiple processes simultaneously and produce a detailed log of application crashes, useful for fuzzing and automated testing.

What’s new in this version?

In a nutshell…
  • full 64-bit support (including function hooks!)
  • added support for Windows Vista and above.
  • database code migrated to SQLAlchemy, tested on:
    • MySQL
    • SQLite 3
    • Microsoft SQL Server
    should work on other servers too (let me know if it doesn’t!)
  • added integration with more disassemblers:
  • added support for postmortem (just-in-time) debugging
  • added support for deferred breakpoints
  • now fully supports manipulating and debugging system services
  • the interactive command-line debugger is now launchable from your scripts (thanks Zen One for the idea!)
  • more UAC-friendly, only requests the privileges it needs before any action
  • added functions to work with UAC and different privilege levels, so it’s now possible to run debugees with lower privileges than the debugger
  • added memory search and registry search support
  • added string extraction functionality
  • added functions to work with DEP settings
  • added a new event handler, EventSift, that can greatly simplify coding a debugger script to run multiple targets at the same time
  • added new utility functions to work with colored console output
  • several improvements to the Crash Logger tool
  • integration with already open debugging sessions from other libraries is now possible
  • improvements to the Process and GUI instrumentation functionality
  • implemented more anti-antidebug tricks
  • more tools and code examples, and improvements to the existing ones
  • more Win32 API wrappers
  • lots of miscellaneous improvements, more documentation and bugfixes as usual!

[XSS Cheat Sheet] Bypassing Modern Web Application Firewall XSS Filters

[XSS Cheat Sheet] Bypassing Modern Web Application Firewall XSS Filters

While we doing web application penetration testing for our clients, we may some time have to face the Web application Firewall that blocks every malicious request/payload.

There are some Cheat sheets available on internet that helped to bypass WAF in the past. However, those cheats won't work with the modern WAFs and latest browsers.  
So, here is need for creating new Cheat sheet.

One of the top security researcher Rafay Baloch has done an excellent job by organizing his own techniques to bypass modern WAFs and published a white paper on that.

The paper titled "Modern Web Application Firewalls Fingerprinting and Bypassing XSS Filters" covers only the techniques needed for bypassing XSS filters.

Rafay promised to write other vulnerabilities' bypassing techniques in his next paper.

[Hook Analyser 3.0] A Freeware Malware Analysis and Cyber Threat Intelligence Software

[Hook Analyser 3.0] A Freeware Malware Analysis and Cyber Threat Intelligence Software

In terms of improvements, a new module has been added - Cyber Threat Intelligence. Threat Intel module is being created to gather and analyse information related to Cyber Threats and vulnerabilities.

The module can be run using HookAnalyser.exe (via Option 6 ), or can be run directly.

The module present information on a web browser (with dashboard alike representation) with the following sections -
  1. Threat Vectors - by (%) Country
  2. Threat Vectors - by Geography 
  3. Vulnerability / Threat Feed.
Project documentation - Click Here

Here is the screenshot of the Cyber Threat Intelligence dashboard -

Cloud Computing Adoption by Federal Agencies Increases 400%

Cloud Computing Adoption by Federal Agencies Increases 400%


Tripwire has announced the results of the second annual survey on cloud security technology trends in the federal government which found that despite the security concerns often cited as roadblocks to cloud adoption, U.S. federal agencies are rapidly expanding their adoption of cloud infrastructure.
In fact, according to a recent report from Deltek, the federal cloud computing market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 32 percent over the next three years.
Key 2013 findings from the Tripwire survey include:
  • 58 percent say federal initiatives designed to encourage cloud adoption have improved security.
  • Four times more respondents say they are outsourcing at least one third of their IT infrastructure to cloud vendors than in 2012.
  • 50 percent are moving moderate-impact data to the cloud, compared with just 31 percent in 2012.
  • Only 28 percent say FedRAMP’s baseline security controls accelerated their agency’s migration to the cloud, compared with 11 percent in 2012.
“A few years ago, the federal government made bold claims with its ‘cloud first policy,’ said Dwayne Melancon, chief technology officer for Tripwire. “The data indicates that this move is working – not only do stakeholders perceive improved security from this initiative, they are showing confidence by moving more important data and workloads into the cloud.
“We’re also seeing a slow but steady increase in the adoption of baseline security controls,” Melancon continued. “This is an area where effort should be applied to accelerate progress, otherwise we run the risk of cloud adoption being impacted by a major security event.  Broader adoption of FedRAMP’s baseline security controls can help mitigate that risk.”
Tripwire’s federal survey was conducted by Dimensional Research from September 26 through October 4, 2013. The results of the survey were compared to nCircle’s Federal Information Security Trends Study conducted in 2012. Tripwire acquired nCircle in April 2013.
The survey evaluated the attitudes of more than 100 federal information technology professionals from military, intelligence and civilian agencies.

Hackers Hit Federal Election Commission Hard During Shutdown

Hackers Hit Federal Election Commission Hard During Shutdown

Almost immediately after the government shutdown this fall sent critical systems support personnel home, Federal Election Commission systems were hit in what is being described as “the worst act of sabotage in its 38-year history.”
A report from the Center for Public Integrity (CPI) revealed that the agency had furloughed all 339 agency employees, and that not a single staffer had been deemed “necessary to the prevention of imminent threats,” the threshold that would have allowed key personnel to remain on the job.
“They waylaid the Federal Election Commission’s networks. They crashed computer systems that publicly disclose how billions of dollars are raised and spent each election cycle by candidates, parties and political action committees,” according to the CPI report.
“And it happened just months after an independent auditor commissioned by the government warned that the FEC’s information systems were at ‘high risk’ to infiltration — a charge the FEC roundly disputed, saying its ‘systems are secure.’”
In addition to the attack, the CPI’s investigation found that:
  • The commission over the past year has reached a paralyzing all-time low in its ability to reach consensus, stalling action on dozens of rulemaking, audit and enforcement matters, some of which are years old.
  • Despite an explosion in political spending hastened by key Supreme Court decisions, the agency’s funding has remained flat for five years and staffing levels have fallen to a 15-year low.
  • Analysts charged with scouring disclosure reports to ensure candidates and political committees are complying with laws have a nearly quarter-million-page backlog. Commissioners themselves are grappling with nearly 270 unresolved enforcement cases.
  • Staff morale has plummeted as key employees have fled and others question whether their work remains relevant. Among top FEC jobs currently unfilled or filled on an “acting” basis: general counsel, associate general counsel for policy, associate general counsel for litigation, chief financial officer and accounting director. The staff director doubles as IT director.
“As the nation heads into what will undoubtedly be the most expensive midterm election in history and a 2016 presidential election that, in no small way, has already begun, the FEC is rotting from the inside out,” the SPI report concluded.

Top Five Hacker Tools Every CISO Should Understand

Top Five Hacker Tools Every CISO Should Understand

As the role of the CISO continues to evolve within organizations towards that of an executive level position, we see a growing emphasis on traditional business administration skills over the more technical skills that previously defined the top security leadership job.
Nonetheless, CISOs need to keep abreast of the latest down-in-the-weeds tools and technologies that can benefit their organization’s security posture, as well as those tools that are widely available which could be misused by malicious actors to identify and exploit network security weaknesses.
In light of that fact, we recently spoke to Nabil Ouchn (@toolswatch), the organizer of the Arsenal Tools exhibit and activities at the BlackHat Conferences in both the US and Europe since 2011, as well as being the founder of the portal
ToolsWatch is a free interactive service designed to help auditors, penetration testers, and other security professionals keep their ethical hacking toolbox up to date with the latest and greatest resources.
Ouchn is an influential security expert with over 15 years experience in vulnerability management, compliance assessment and penetration testing, and Co-Founder of an innovative SaaS Multi-Engines Threats Scanning Solution.
As part of his research, Ouchn maintains several projects, including Default Password Enumeration (DPE), the open source correlated & cross-linked vulnerability database vFeed, and the Firefox Catalog of Auditing exTensions called FireCAT.
We asked Ouchn to assemble what he believed to be the top hacker tools every CISO should at least understand, if not actively encourage for integration into their own security programs.
(Part Two Here: Five More Hacker Tools Every CISO Should Understand)
“Remember the paper Improving the Security of Your Site by Breaking Into It written 20 years ago by Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema?” Ouchn asked. “It is still valid today. The best approach to mitigating the vulnerabilities and threats to an information system remains having the ability to prove that they exist.”
“The following is my list of tools every CISO should be on top of, and it was very hard to narrow it down to these few items with so many valuable tools out there,” Ouchn said. “My choices were driven by a combination of the tool’s value and their ease of use.”


“Metasploit has become over the years the best framework to conduct penetration testing on network systems and IT infrastructure. Nevertheless, I will focus on Armitage an open source effort to bring user-friendly interface to Metasploit,” Ouchn said.
“Armitage demonstrations are very convincing and allow you to analyze weak and vulnerable machines in a network in just a few clicks. The compromised devices are depicted with a lightning round,”  Ouchn continued.
“This tool has brilliantly hidden the complexity of Metasploit (for a non-technical audience) in favor of usability, and is a great way to demonstrate the security in depth of an IT architecture,” Ouchn said.
“In fact, the framework has several capabilities to exploit vulnerabilities in almost any type of layer to therefore infiltrate (by pivoting) systems to reach the network’s nerve center. Armitage should definitely be part of the CISO’s Arsenal and his internal Red Tiger team.”


“There is constantly a battle between security folks and users when it comes to passwords. Although it is simple to deploy a Password Policy in a company, it’s also very difficult to justify it,” Ouchn noted.
“Because in a perfect world from users perspective, the best password would be the name of the family cat with no expiration date, and this fact applies  to any system that requires authentication.”
HashCat has shown that the selection of a strong  password must be done carefully, and this tool allows us to demonstrate the ease with which a password can be recovered,” Ouchn said.
“A CISO should certainly incorporate this password cracking tool in his arsenal because it allows to check the complexity of the company password policy. Of course, the complexity of a password is not the only criterion for a well-constructed policy, as there are a plethora of criteria: Duration, length, entropy, etc… So HashCat is a must have for any CISO.” (See also John the Ripper).


“You know what you have connected to when using your hardwired network, but have you ever wondered if the air is playing tricks on you? To test your WiFi security, Wifite has the simplest way,” Ouchn says.
“The grip is instantaneous. It is written in Python and runs on all platforms. CISOs should need only to supply the WiFi interface they use and it does the job, verifying that the corporate wireless networks are configured according to the applicable Security Policy, and better yet, it can be used to identify any open and accessible network that can potentially be harmful in terms of Phishing” Ouchn continued.
“Wifite allows the discovery of all devices that have an active wireless capability enabled by default (like some printers for example). Wifite is a very simple and convincing way for a CISO to validate the security of wireless networks. (See also AirCrack).


“Known for many years as Ethereal, WireShark is probably the best tool when it comes to sniffing for and collecting data over a network,” Ouchn says.
“On the one hand, WireShark has boosted its capabilities with the support of several types of networks (Ethernet, 802.11, etc.) and also in the simplicity of its use through a very friendly user interface.”
“WireShark allows a CISO to demonstrate that outdated protocols such as Telnet / FTP should be banned from a corporate network, and that sensitive information should be encrypted to avoid being captured by a malicious user,” Ouchn explained.
“Beyond the sniffing features, WireShark is also a great way to validate the network filtering policy. When placed near filtering devices, it can detect the protocols and communication flow in use. WireShark should be considered by any conscious CISO to validate the filtering policy and the need for encryption. (See also Cain & Abel).

Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)

“Those who attended the latest demo by David Kennedy (SET lead developer and author) at the BlackHat Arsenal in Las Vegas understand the importance of such a tool” Ouchn said.
SET is a framework that helps the in creation of sophisticated technical attacks which operated using the credulity of the human. It can be used in the process of preparing a phishing attack mimicking a known website or trapping PDF files with the appropriate payload,” he continued. “The simplicity of use via an intuitive menu makes it an even more attractive tool.”
“It is the dream of every CISO to drive security awareness campaigns without ruining the security budget. With SET, the team in charge of security audits can design attacks scenarios and distribute them internally to the targeted users,” Ouchn says.
“This will confirm the users security perception within the company and validate the best Awareness Policy to deploy. The SET tool is very well maintained and is also based on a framework already mentioned above: Metasploit.”


                                            VPNBOOK Review
 VPNs are used in different ways by different people. Corporate users use it to connect to their workplace from other locations, students use it to bypass firewalls and website blocking still some others use it for the added security while using public WIFIs.
VPNs are the best way I know to bypass firewalls or hide my tracks online. There are many VPN service providers, both free and paid.

VPNBOOK.COM is a free VPN service provider. They offer different servers based in Romania, UK and US.  Their service is absolutely free and is based on advertisement and donation. They offer two kinds of encryption PPTP and OPENVPN.  You  can get the server address, username and password from the website itself without needing to register or login.  However,one annoying thing is that the password changes every few days or  week. So, you have to keep visiting the website to get the updated password.

* Absolutely Free
* PPTP support (can be used on mobile devices like android)
* OpenVPN support (a bit slower, but more secure, and cannot be blocked)
* P2P allowed  (torrent downloads are allowed)
* Stable connection (doesn't get disconnected)
* Steady speed (no fluctuation in speed)
* Servers based in US,UK and Romania
* Do not store logs
* Unlimited bandwidth!
* No registration required


* Speed is not as fast as paid VPN providers, but I think thats a bit too much to ask since it is a free service.


Vpnbook is probably the best free vpn service provider I have ever used.  I have used many free VPNs and I used to face connectivity issues, bandwidth restrictions etc, but not with VPNBOOK. Apart from my laptop, I also use it in my Android mobile when using college wifi or public hotspots. So, if you need a free and reliable VPN service provider,  vpnbook is the one you need.

NOTE: I am not paid to write this article. It is just my views and opinion after using the service.

What are Denial of Service (DOS) attacks?

  What are Denial of Service (DOS) attacks?
Denial of Service attacks have become more widely known due to extensive media coverage. But what exactly is a denial of service attack? Simply put, a denial of service attack is a type of cyber attack wherein a website or service is brought down by a hacker or a group of hackers by flooding it with bogus traffic. The web server becomes overloaded with this bogus traffic and the service eventually crashes.

This means that if a hacker performs a denial of service attack against a website, say for example a bank website, then all the online transitions of that bank will be halted. Both companies and individuals are no long able to log into their netbanking accounts for the duration of the attack, leading to loss in revenue for the bank. The bank will also lose reputation and credibility for failing to protect their IT infrastructure.  Similarly, if Gmail was attacked, millions of users will not be able to access their email accounts. In a typical DoS attack, one hacker performs the attack using a DoS tool or script. This is easy to mitigate. The only thing one needs to do is block the IP address of the attacker. To overcome this, hackers use a technique called Distributed Denial of Service or DDoS.

What are Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS) Attacks?

DDoS attacks involve hundreds, if not thousands of "volunteers" who install the DoS tool in their systems and launch a coordinated attack on the target at a specified time. This was the case when Anonymous hacker group took down Paypal  and Mastercard websites some time back. In case there are no "volunteers" involved, hackers use a networks of zombies called botnets to perform the same attack. These zombies are basically normal home computers which have been hacked and infected with the DoS tool. The controller is able to issue remote commands to these "bots" so that they can start attacking a particular website without the owners even noticing. 
Hackers and hactivists perform denial of service attacks by using an array of readymade tools. one such tools is called the Low Orbit Ion Cannon(LOIC). It is a simple GUI tool and volunteers can use it to launch attacks once they receive the green light from the controllers, usually via IRC or social networks. There are many other DoS tools such as HOIC,Hulk Web server, RUDY (R-U-Dead-Yet), Silent  DDoSer etc.

This disruption in service is one of the biggest challenges for companies today. There is no fool proof method to protect against DDoS attacks.  There are many ongoing research on how to mitigate DDoS attacks. As of now, big companies rely on IDS and firewalls and the cooperation of the ISPs to mitigate such attacks.

Is your email really secure?

                                    Is your email really secure?
Use 2 step verification to secure your Gmail account.
Most of us use free email services like yahoo, live, gmail, hotmail, etc. Among these, Gmail seems to be the most popular. This may be because of the fact that Google is a trusted company and their email is easy to use. Another reason to consider using gmail is its security features. Some time back, Google added a new security measure called 2-step verification. This is a great security feature and it makes your account almost impossible to hack.('almost impossible' because nothing is really “hack proof”)
Well, what is this 2-step verification? It is a very simple and efficient way to secure your email account with the help of your mobile phone. You register your mobile number with Google, and whenever you login to your Google account, a text message or a voice automated call will send a unique verification code to your mobile phone. You then enter this code when it is prompted to you during login. You will be prompted for this randomly generated code everytime you login to your account.This system ensures that even if someone knows your password, he will not be able to login to your account. This will also let you know immediately if someone tried to login to your account.

Security is reassuring, but what about convinience? Some might find it irritating to receive a text message or a call everytime he wants to check his email. To overcome this hurdle, there is an option for remembering or “trusting” a device or computer that you frequently use to login. This will make sure your are 'remembered' until your cookies are cleared.

The best part of this is that it is absolutely free. And it is very easy to setup. You can find the setup instructions here. As of writing this, yahoo and dropbox, among others, are also providing this feature

Earn Money Online through Freelance Writing

Earn Money Online through Freelance Writing
             There are many ways to earn money from the internet. You can take surveys, do data entry jobs, or even view ads. However, the most foolproof and profitable job is freelancing.  Freelancing may be in the form of writing, programming, admin support etc. Here, I will discuss about freelance writing and also give tips to get you started.

If you have a passion for writing, the freelancing is the perfect job for you.  If not, you can still take up freelancing but you will need commitment to be successful in it. Writing articles may sound easy at first, but the fact is that it involves a lot more effort and determination to come up with a good article.  Freelance writing may be profitable for some, while it is not so for others. This is because successful freelance writing depends on one’s writing skills, ability to meet deadlines and most of all, dedication. You have to write quality articles and deliver what the customer wants.

In many freelancing sites, clients will post their job requirements and you, as a contractor will have to bid for the job by submitting your proposal. The client will then review all the proposals received and select the contractor best suited for the job. Here, it is important for you as a contractor to submit your proposal and bid wisely. The best thing about freelancing is that you are your own boss. You can choose what jobs you would like to undertake.

To get you started, here I will give you an insight on two of the most popular freelancing websites. You may read the reviews and choose the one you would like to start with.

Elance is a very good platform for beginners. You need to pass an entrance test. The syllabus is basically the Elance rules and regulations. You will also have to verify your mobile number. Basic membership is free and you can start submitting proposals once you are ready with your profile. Your profile reflects the jobs you have done, your earnings, ratings and comments given by your clients. Payments are guaranteed with Escrow. Once you start the job, you are funded by the client using Escrow. The client will release payment once the work is done.  You can use bank transfer or PayPal for receiving payments.

You can sign up for Elance here.

2. is considered to be largest freelancing site in the world. Here also, basic membership is free, but you will have to pay (around Rs. 250) for taking ‘Exams’ which will be an added bonus for your profile. Phone verification is required, but there is no entrance exam.  Here too, the client will fund you as soon as you start the job; however the money will be released only when the job is completed to the client’s satisfaction.

You can sign up for Freelancer here.

All in all, whichever sites you choose, hard work and dedication to your work will count the most in the long run, enabling you to earn more money.

A Layman's Idea of Hacking

                                A Layman's Idea of Hacking

When I was in Class 11, a friend of mine showed me a cool trick to invert the desktop of a computer just by pressing some keys in the keyboard. It was Ctrl+Alt+(Down Arrow). I was amazed as I had never seen anything like that.   At that time, we were siting in the school computer lab, and it got me thinking about all the cool things that can be done with computers. I started searching online for computer tricks, pranks and hacks, hoping  to annoy and amaze my friends at the same time. That was what got me started into the world of hacking.
Due to our heavy influence of  movies we think of hackers as computer geniuses who can hack  WiFi passwords, Traffic cameras,  NSA or FBI servers, emails, websites, all with just a few clicks of the mouse or keyboard. Hackers are also thought to be able to derail trains, sink ships or launch nuclear missiles. Although many of these things are possible in real life, Hollywood has made it look far too easy. In the real world, hacking involves a lot of steps and techniques which requires you to have extensive knowledge and experience with computer systems.

People tend to think of hackers as evil geniuses or high-tech criminals. That may be partly true, but those who use their skills for malicious purposes are  'crackers'.  A hacker is someone who is adaptable to any environment and tweak systems to make things better or more convenient.  

There is a big misconception about teenage hackers. The movies portray teenage hackers and the media hypes them. If a teenager manages to 'hack' a website, he comes to the limelight and is portrayed as a prodigy.  I'm saying as a teenager myself. The fact is that the website was hacked not because of the teenager's skill, but because of the website owner's carelessness in properly implementing security procedures. Majority of hacking attacks happen due to the programmer or  system administrator's ignorance of security. I'm not saying that there are no prodigies. I'm saying that majority of teen hackers are script kiddies who know a particular hacking trick or technique and got lucky.

Hacking is not a crime if you have the permissions to hack. Professional hackers are called Penetration Testers or Pen Testers. They are hired by companies and  governments to hack their systems to 'test' how secure they are. And it is a pretty cool job too. Getting paid to hack. Hackers are very normal people, not someone sitting in a dark basement with a computer and wires dangling all around.  Anyone can become a hacker, provided he has the determination and perseverance. 

10 ways you can earn money as a computer science student

10 ways you can earn money as a computer science student

You may be a BCA or BTech student studying computer science. During your 3 or 4 year degree course, you can earn some pocket money and also gain experience at the same time. I have listed here 10 ways you can earn money, not much, but like I said, enough for pocket money. The concept of earning while in college is relatively more common in the west than here in India. In India, we tend to view college life as  either studies only or enjoyment only, depending on the student.
1.  Develop websites for others
Since you are a computer science student, you can develop websites for people.  Initially, it might be hard to find a client as you have no experience, so, develop your own websites and showcase them as your portfolio.  You can develop static html pages or dynamic php or asp pages depending on your choice of languages.   If a traditional website is what your client wants, you can use popular Content Management Systems(CMS) like wordpress or joomla. Wordpress and joomla are readymade website' templates' and are very easy to set up. You may even offer a whole website package which includes  the domain name, website , email , hosting and support. This can earn you some money as well as give you experience to enhance your resume.

2.  Become a freelance software developer
Becoming a software developer is not difficult, but it requires a lot of effort and perseverance. It is similar  like becoming a website developer except that you will be developing software applications for small businesses and enterprises.  You can start by developing a student management software for your school or college. They may or may not use it, but it will give you some experience to start with.  If you will be developing GUI  desktop applications, you have an array of choices like VisualStudio, QT C++, Netbeans, Delphi etc.  I have written an article on becoming a software developer here.

3. Repair computers of friends/family
If you want to plan your career in the hardware and networking path, you can start by offering services - like repairing  computers and  windows installations - to  friends and family members.  This will greatly enhance your troubleshooting skills also.  The objective here is to establish a name for yourself. You can then expand to shops and cyber-cafes where computer services are in great demand.  After you have achieved some repute, you can start charging people for  your services.

4. Work part time in call centers as technical  support role
This will help you in two ways. One, you will gain some technical know-how about troubleshooting, two, you will learn some people skills and communication skills. You can work part time in a nearby call center or company. Although part-time jobs are hard to come by these days, you can still find them if you look hard enough.

5. Participate in programming  contests.
There are many programming and software development contests going on all over the world. Most of them are online. The benefit here is twofold; enhancing your programming skills as well as a cash prize, if you win. The best example is the IBM - The Great Mind Challenge , although t is only  for Indians. There are many other contests like this all over the world. Google is your best friend.

 6. Write tech related articles
You can write technology themed articles. For this, you can either start your own blog or join an online freelance website like Elance, Odesk or Freelancer. At any given time, there are plenty of potential clients in these sites hiring freelancers to write their tech blogs or websites.

7. Help others in online(paying) forums such as
There are several forums online which pay you for answering questions people ask. The best I can think of is the Earn And  Learn Program ( Payment from this site is made once a month. I tried this once, and I got a cheque of Rs. 1000 for a month's work (10 minutes a day). You can earn around 5000 in a month, but It will consume much of your time.

8. Internship at a software company
Many software/IT  companies take interns for technical work. Although internships are not easy to find in India, the situation seems to be better in the west. Once you get a job as an intern, you can work at the company for about 2-6 months. This can be counted as experience and will enhance your resume. Twenty19 is an excellent website for searching for internships. They list both paying and non paying internships all over India.

9. Develop android/mobile apps and sell it
Download the Android SDK and start developing android applications. Android is one of the hottest mobile Operating Systems available today. With Karbonn and Micromax launching cheaper and cheaper  Android phones, the market is huge. Develop games or applications and sell them in the Google Play store. You can develop Symbian and  Apple apps also.

10. Become a freelance ethical hacker
You can learn hacking and once you are good enough, you can start becoming a freelance cyber security consultant. This idea is not  mainstream and only few people will be  up for this. That is why it is in the last. It will be quite difficult to do this, but once you earn a certain repute as a freelance pen tester, your earnings will be good. You can start by offering to secure the computers of others and remember to  constantly practice  in your hacking lab. I am currently doing just this through 2 years ago, I signed up for a free elance account and now people hire to test their websites me after looking at my elance profile
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